-- authors --
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Hosted by:
authors with names beginning in h-l
Jacques Hadamard
[1 book]
The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field
Mark Haddon
[1 book]
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Joe Haldeman
[1 book]
The Forever War
paul R. Halmos
[2 books]
A Hilbert Space Problem Book
Naive Set Theory
Hahrie Han
[2 books]
How Organizations Develop Activists: Civic Associations and Leadership in the 21st Century
Moved to Action: Motivation, Participation, and Inequality in American Politics
John Haugeland
[1 book]
Mind Design II
Stephen Hawking
[2 books]
Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays
A Brief History of Time
Mark A. Heald
[1 book]
Physics of Waves
Volker Heine
[1 book]
Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics
Robert Heinlein
[2 books]
Starship Troopers
Joseph Heller
[1 book]
Ernest Hemingway
[2 books]
The Old Man and The Sea
The Sun Also Rises
[19 books]
Coke En Stock
L'Affair Tournesol
L'Etoile Mysterieuse
L'Oreille Cassee
Le Crabe Aux Pinces D'or
Le Lotus Bleu
Le Secret de la Licorne
Le Temple du Soleil
Le Tresor de Rackham le Rouge
Les 7 Boules de Cristal
Les Cigares du Pharaon
Objectif Lune
On a Marche Sue La Lune
Tintin Au Pays de L'or Noir
Tintin au Congo
Tintin au Tibet
Tintin en Amerique
Tintin et les Picaros
vol 714 Pour Sydney
Edward S. Herman
[1 book]
Manufacturing Consent
[1 book]
Reuben Hersh
[1 book]
Descartes' Dream
I. N. Herstein
[1 book]
Noncommutative Rings
Hermann Hesse
[1 book]
The Prodigy
Russell Hoban
[3 books]
The Bat Tattoo
Mr. Rinyo-Clacton's Offer
Riddley Walker
Paul Hoffman
[1 book]
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
Michael J. Hoffman
[1 book]
Elementary Classical Analysis
Douglas R. Hofstadter
[5 books]
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies
Godel, Escher, Bach
Le Ton beau de Marot
Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern
The Mind's I
Arun V. Holden
[1 book]
[2 books]
The Illiad
The Odyssey
Nick Hornby
[6 books]
About a Boy
Fever Pitch
High Fidelity
How to be Good
A Long Way Down
Aldous Huxley
[1 book]
Brave New World
Jay Ingram
[1 book]
The Science of Everyday Life
Arnold J. Insel
[1 book]
Linear Algebra
Kazuo Ishiguro
[1 book]
Never Let Me Go
Sasha Issenberg
[1 book]
The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns
B. K. S. Iyengar
[1 book]
Light on Yoga
Jane Jacobs
[1 book]
The Death and Life of Great American Cities (50th Anniversary Edition) (Modern Library)
Jown James
[1 book]
Remarkable Mathematicians
David Javerbaum
[1 book]
America (the book)
Phil Jimenez
[1 book]
The Invisibles Vol. 3: Entropy in the UK
James Joyce
[1 book]
Ulysses (Penguin Modern Classics)
Bill Samuels Jr.
[1 book]
Maker's Mark : My Autobiography
Franz Kafka
[2 books]
The Complete Short Stories
The Trial
Donald W. Kahn
[1 book]
Robert Kanigel
[1 book]
The Man Who Knew Infinity
David Kaplan
[1 book]
Death & Co: Modern Classic Cocktails, with More than 500 Recipes
Ben Karlin
[1 book]
America (the book)
David Karpf
[1 book]
The MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political Advocacy (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics)
Lar Kaufman
[1 book]
Running Linux
Walter Kaufmann
[1 book]
The Portable Nietzsche
Nikos Kazantzakis
[1 book]
Zorba the Greek
Stephen H. Kellert
[1 book]
In The Wake of Chaos
Thomas Keneally
[1 book]
Schindler's List
Yasmina Khadra
[1 book]
The Swallows of Kabul
A. y. Khinchin
[1 book]
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistics
Russ Kick
[1 book]
Book of Lists
Tim King
[1 book]
Stephen King
[3 books]
The Dark Half
The Tommyknockers
Naomi Klein
[2 books]
Fences and Windows
No Logo
Winston E. Kock
[1 book]
Lasers and Holography
Lawrence M. Krauss
[1 book]
The Physics of Star Trek
David Krawitz
[1 book]
Peeking Through the Keyhole
Harold W. Kuhn
[1 book]
Classics in Game Theory
Leslie Lamport
[1 book]
A Document Preparation System: LaTeX
Ben Laurie
[1 book]
Apache: The Definitive Guide
Peter Laurie
[1 book]
Apache: The Definitive Guide
Eugene Lawler
[1 book]
Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids
Daniel Leader
[1 book]
Bread Alone: Bold Fresh Loaves from Your Own Hands
Richard Lederer
[1 book]
The Play of Words
Harper Lee
[1 book]
To Kill a Mockingbird
Lee LeFever
[1 book]
The Art of Explanation: Making your Ideas, Products, and Services Easier to Understand
Stanislaw Lem
[2 books]
The Futurological Congress
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
Rasmus Lerdorf
[2 books]
PHP Pocket Reference
Programming PHP
Gaston Leroux
[1 book]
The Phantom of the Opera
Doris Lessing
[1 book]
The Golden Notebook: A Novel (P.S.)
Stephen Lewis
[1 book]
Race Against Time
W.B. Raymond Lickorish
[1 book]
An Introduction to Knot Theory
Douglas Lind
[1 book]
An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding
James Lipton
[1 book]
An Exaltation of Larks: The Ultimate Edition
David Lodge
[5 books]
The British Museum is Falling Down
Nice Work
Out of the Shelter
Small World
Thinks ...
Kyle Loudon
[1 book]
Mastering Algorithms With C
R. Duncan Luce
[1 book]
Games and Decisions
Ron Luciano
[1 book]
The Fall of the Roman Umpire
Thu Mar 13 12:59:13 2025