-- authors --
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Hosted by:
authors with names beginning in m-r
Josh MacPhee
[1 book]
Stencil Pirates
Maurice Madeau
[1 book]
The History of Surrealism
Tristan Manco
[1 book]
street logos
Brian Marcus
[3 books]
An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding
Post Secret
Christopher Marlowe
[1 book]
Doctor Faustus
Jerrold E. Marsden
[1 book]
Elementary Classical Analysis
Yann Martel
[2 books]
Life of Pi
Barbara Martinsons
[1 book]
Technoscience and Cyberculture
Karl Marx
[1 book]
The Communist manifesto
Hideyuki Matsumura
[1 book]
Commutative Ring Theory
Daniel C. Matt
[1 book]
The Essential Kabbalah
Richard D. Mattuck
[1 book]
A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem
C. R. F. Maunder
[1 book]
Algebraic Topology
David Maxfield
[1 book]
Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, Second Edition
Cormac McCarthy
[3 books]
Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West
No Country For Old Men
The Road
Tom McCarthy
[1 book]
Ian McEwan
[1 book]
Michael McGuiness
[1 book]
Einstein for Beginners
John Mcknight
[1 book]
The Careless Society: Community And Its Counterfeits
Marshall McLuhan
[1 book]
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Michael Menser
[1 book]
Technoscience and Cyberculture
Peter Menzel
[1 book]
Hungry Planet
Anne Michaels
[1 book]
The Winter Vault (Vintage International)
Mark Millar
[1 book]
Wolverine: Old Man Logan
Jonatha Miller
[1 book]
Darwin for Beginners
Anistatia R. Miller
[1 book]
Shaken Not Stirred
David Mitchell
[1 book]
Cloud Atlas
[1 book]
The LaTeX Companion
Leonard Mlodinow
[1 book]
Euclid's Window
Michael Moore
[3 books]
Downsize This!
Dude, Where's my Country?
Stupid White Men
Alan Moore
[2 books]
V for Vendetta
Toni Morrison
[1 book]
Grant Morrison
[3 books]
The Invisibles Vol. 1: Say You Want a Revolution
The Invisibles Vol. 2: Apocalipstick
The Invisibles Vol. 3: Entropy in the UK
James R. Munkres
[1 book]
Haruki Murakami
[1 book]
South of the Border, West of the Sun: A Novel
Gerard J. Murphy
[1 book]
C*-algebras and Operator Theory
Nalini Nadkarni
[1 book]
Between Earth and Sky: Our Intimate Connections to Trees
Ernest Nagel
[1 book]
Goedel's Proof
James R. Newman
[1 book]
Goedel's Proof
Geoff Nicholson
[1 book]
The Lost Art of Walking: The History, Science, and Literature of Pedestrianism
Jennifer Niederst
[1 book]
Web Design in a Nutshell
Friedrich Nietzshe
[1 book]
The Portable Nietzsche
Audrey Niffenegger
[1 book]
The Time Traveler's Wife
Ninjalicious Ninjalicious
[1 book]
Access All Areas
Donald A. Norman
[1 book]
The Design of Everyday Things
Eric S. Nylund
[1 book]
Signal to Noise
John M. H. Olmsted
[1 book]
Counterexamples in Analysis
John M.H. Olmsted
[1 book]
Theorems ad Counterexamples in Mathematics
Michael Ondaatje
[3 books]
The Cat's Table
Coming Through Slaughter
Peter C. Ordeshook
[1 book]
Game Theory and Political Theory: An Introduction
Oystein Ore
[1 book]
Number Theory and Its History
George Orwell
[2 books]
Animal Farm
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Martin J. Osborne
[1 book]
A Course in Game Theory
Bohdi Oser
[1 book]
Fuck This Book
Jim Ottaviani
[1 book]
Chuck Palahniuk
[2 books]
Invisible Monsters
Orhan Pamuk
[1 book]
Blaise Pascal
[1 book]
Boris Pasternak
[1 book]
Doctor Zhivago
Raj Patel
[1 book]
Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System
Kerry Patterson
[1 book]
Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, Second Edition
W. Pauli
[1 book]
The Theory of Relativity
Lori Pauli
[1 book]
Manufactured Landscapes
Linus Pauling
[1 book]
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics With Applications to Chemistry
John Allen Paulos
[6 books]
Beyond Numeracy
Irreligion: A Mathematician Explains Why the Arguments for God Just Don't Add Up
A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market
A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper
Mathematicians and Humor
Roger Penrose
[1 book]
The Emperor's New Mind
Georges Perec
[1 book]
La Disparition
Henry Petroski
[1 book]
The Pencil
Louis Phillips
[1 book]
Sex: Even More Fun You can Have Without Laughing
Clifford A. Pickover
[1 book]
The Alien I. Q. Test
Robert M. Pirsig
[1 book]
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
[1 book]
Symposium and Phaedreus
Michael Pollan
[4 books]
The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation
In Defense of Food
The Omnivore's Dilemma
William Poundstone
[1 book]
Prisoner's Dilemma
Terry Pratchett
[1 book]
Good Omens
William R. Pulleyblank
[1 book]
Combinatorial Optimization
Haydar Radjavi
[1 book]
Simultaneous Triangularization
Howard Raiffa
[1 book]
Games and Decisions
V. S. Ramachandran
[1 book]
A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness
George Reese
[1 book]
Michael D. Resnik
[1 book]
S. J. Revich
[1 book]
The Poet and the Thief
Cornelie J. Rheinbolt
[1 book]
Arnold Robbins
[2 books]
sed & awk pocket reference
vi Editor Pocket Reference
Tom Robbins
[1 book]
Jitterbug Perfume
Claudia Roden
[1 book]
The Book of Jewish Food
Ingvar Ronde
[1 book]
Malt Whisky Yearbook 2010
Peter Rosenthal
[1 book]
Simultaneous Triangularization
Robert Ross
[1 book]
Monty Python Encyclopedia
Philip Roth
[1 book]
Sabbath's Theater
Davy Rothbart
[1 book]
Joseph Rotman
[1 book]
Galois Theory
H. L. Royden
[1 book]
Real Analysis
Y.A. Rozanov
[1 book]
Probability Theory
Ariel Rubinstein
[1 book]
A Course in Game Theory
Bertrand Russell
[1 book]
The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell
Witold Rybczynski
[1 book]
One Good Turn
Sat Mar 29 07:08:48 2025