Dandy Warhols

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(all photos ©2003-2021 Dan Pollock)
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what others have said

Date: Mon Jan 21 13:19:19 EST 2008
Name: Groovin'
Message: Great shot!

Date: Tue Aug 18 13:10:26 PDT 2015
Name: Barry Brevik
Message: I like this one. Composition is great, and the desaturated color appearance that you have achieved is . . . sublime. The light beams look like they were made manifest by heaven itself.
       As for the content, I cannot identify that guitar, and I know my guitars fairly well. It almost looks like a Fender neck was transplanted onto, what, something else. Also looks like a Vox AC-30 lurking in the background. Maybe I should Google these guys and give a listen, if they still exist.

Mon Mar 31 16:41:18 2025top