Manning Park

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(all photos ©2003-2021 Dan Pollock)
Manning Parkpreviousnext

what others have said

Date: Sun Feb 11 15:39:58 EST 2007
Name: peacegirl
Message: This is great! Can I use this for my school report?

Date: Mon Feb 12 13:34:07 EST 2007
Name: Anonymous Coward
Message: this is really reminds me of home!

Date: Sat Mar 3 13:32:28 EST 2007
Name: travis
Message: nice were was this taken

Date: Mon Mar 12 01:08:25 EDT 2007
Name: teguh wiarso
Message: so natural

Date: Tue Mar 27 03:19:50 EDT 2007
Name: Rasito, SSi
Message: swiming on the lake...peace

Date: Thu Apr 26 15:20:50 EDT 2007
Name: M
Message: this is where I'd like to be... a little peace of calm and harmony... far away from the madding crowd...

Sat Jul 27 01:06:32 2024top