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(all photos ©2003-2021 Dan Pollock)

what others have said

Date: Tue Feb 6 11:56:41 EST 2007
Name: chantel
Message: OMG!!!! ITS ALIENS!!!!!!

Date: Mon Feb 12 06:26:09 EST 2007
Name: david
Message: where is this shot taken from eg. which city

Date: Fri Feb 23 13:39:42 EST 2007
Name: gary
Message: Bristol

Date: Fri Feb 23 19:42:52 EST 2007
Name: Pollock
Message: Waterloo, Ontario

Date: Wed Feb 28 15:25:28 EST 2007
Name: gemini soul
Message: This is a huge picture of lightning.  I  am doing something on this and this picture wouldreally bring out the imformation.

Date: Fri May 18 20:10:59 EDT 2007
Name: Anonymous Coward
Message: very intrasting

Date: Mon Jun 11 10:07:13 EDT 2007
Name: kc suresh
Message: very very scary

Date: Wed Jun 13 10:01:37 EDT 2007
Name: Pammy
Message: talk about deadly!

Sat Jul 27 00:59:24 2024top