site of the day archive for december 2000
- 12/31/00 - martin's psychadelic underground - I met Martin Wellman in my first term at waterloo. My life has not been the same since. Although it hasn't seen a lot of work lately, his site provides hours of amusement. Be sure to check out the java peeing machine, his mazes, and the stories from his life are truly incredible, and somehow true. (
- 12/30/00 - candybar wrapper archive - The Quasi-Comprehensive CandyBar Wrapper Image Archive. Have you ever wanted a picture of a candy wrapper? Well, I have. And here's where I found it. Don't forget to check out the Mentos FAQ. They've also got a link to the Top Secret Recipe Collection and a few other cool candy sites. (
- 12/22/00 - - Happy Hanukah!! As you may or may not know, today is the first day of Hanukah. The 8 day festival of lights, celebrated by Jews around the world, in fact began at dusk on Thursday night, and will last until dusk on the 29th. This site provides an excellent resource if you want to learn about Jewish traditions, the history of Hanukah, get a latke recipe, or want to learn a couple traditional songs. (
- 12/21/00 - my so called life petition - In 1994 ABC debuted My So Called Life. Despite rave reviews and a small, but devoted following, the series was cut short after 19 episodes. In June of 2000, BMG special products released a DVD containing the first three episodes. Please sign the petition, and voice your support for the release of the remaining 16 episodes on DVD. (
- 12/20/00 - the antitomato website - Tomatoes... They suck bad. (
- 12/19/00 - campus pranks - An archive of some of the best campus pranks of all time. Includes a link to a story on U(W)'s own Daily Bulletin, about a classic prank from that helped to put Waterloo on the map. (
- 12/18/00 - analytic number theory project - Stephen Forrest has been kind enough to follow up his wildly successful algebraic number theory project with another fine set of notes. Again, very useful, considering we have the analytic final at 2 tomorrow. (
- 12/17/00 - centre for seussian studies - Links to all things Seuss. Make sure you check out the Dr. Seuss parodies page, for such classics as the Dr. Seuss Purity Test, and a Freudian Analysis of Cat in the Hat. (
- 12/16/00 - stick figure death theatre - Twice the Entertainment. Half the Talent. Have you ever seen such cruelty inflicted upon such skinny individuals? The site also links to the top 50 animated death sites (warning: the top 50 thing has popups). (
- 12/15/00 - vicki's homepage - Cool webpage by my friend vicki ferguson. Includes a variety of links, some unfortunate quotes, and much randomness. If you don't check it out, she'll kill me. Help. (
- 12/14/00 - - Mike Froh has put together a site devoted to everyone's favourite subject. Measure theory!!! Includes humour and excellent studying resources. Quite nice, considering the Measure Theory final is tomorrow morning. (
- 12/13/00 - trailervision - Trailers for movies that don't exist. I think they post a new trailer every Monday. Make sure you check out the Jar Jar Binks Project. Some off them are truly hilarious. (
- 12/12/00 - my message board - Please be sure to sign it. (
- 12/11/00 - pollock's site of the day - This page. Do you like it? (
Thu Feb 6 04:26:48 2025