site of the day archive for october 2002
- 10/31/02 - flashface - Construct a mugshot with this flash interface. (
- 10/30/02 - six legs and more - A gallery of photos of insects and arachnids. (
- 10/29/02 - hidden mozilla prefs - A collection of some of the lesser known featers of the new Mozilla based browsers, and how to activate them. (
- 10/28/02 - zen - Zen stories to tell your neighbours. (
- 10/27/02 - stereotypes - Mix and match parts of pictures to make new faces. (
- 10/26/02 - - All sorts of information for the collector of old stocks and bonds. I think I'll stick to comic books. (
- 10/25/02 - the elements - The periodic table song by Tom Lehrer. A classic. (
- 10/24/02 - shut down the internet - If surfing the web is wasting too much of your time, I suggest you turn off the internet. (
- 10/23/02 - ask a librarian - An online reference service from the library of congress. (
- 10/22/02 - worthless word for the day - Every day a new word that you are unlikely to ever use. (
- 10/21/02 - pacronyms - This alphabetical list of acronyms, abbreviations, initials, and common names of federal political action committees (PACs) was prepared to help researchers readily identify committees when their full names are not disclosed on campaign finance reports. (
- 10/20/02 - lightness demonstration - A great collection of light perception based optical illusions. (
- 10/19/02 - i am better than your kids - A website of an aspiring artist who believes that you should hang their art in your office, rather than the poor quality work of your child. (
- 10/18/02 - countersccript - A step by step set of instructions on how to deal with telemarketers. Here is a more traditional way to deal with the problem. (
- 10/17/02 - lost in the translation - Using Systran translation software, this site will translate your text back and forth between English and another language five times to give funny results. (
- 10/16/02 - the prime pages - A great collection of pages about prime numbers. My favourites are the brief history of largest primes, a page devoted to curiosities and trivia, the conjectures page and some prime links. I suppose the four megabytes of prime number is pretty cool too. (
- 10/15/02 - i used to believe - This site has amassed hundreds of anecdotes from people around the world, of things they once believed as a child. Some are cute misunderstandings of a five year old, others are fibs told by parents to keep their children quiet, and some are not so innocent lies told by older siblings. This site is worth checking out. (
- 10/14/02 - dictionary of cricket terms - This site provides a nice little illustrated dictionary of cricket termninology. (
- 10/13/02 - juggle mania - An online juggling simulator. I just can't seem to master 6 balls. Can you? (
- 10/12/02 - wrpa fliers' club flight simulator - A cool paper airplane flight simulator. (
- 10/11/02 - xiao xiao 9 - The latest in the wildly popular stick figure fighting series. (
- 10/10/02 - filmwise - A great movie fun page. My favourite part of the site is the Visual Quizzes section, where you are asked to identify from which movies various themed screenshots have been taken. For example, computer screens, short notes, images of typewriters or bathtub scenes. (
- 10/09/02 - fairy tales for the erudite - Fairy tales for people whose vocabulary exceeds my own. I am genuinely impressed by this one. (
- 10/08/02 - sand art - Now you can make your very own sand art. I remember playing with stuff like this as a kid. (
- 10/07/02 - flipflopsflying - A slideshow of pictures of airborne sandals. (
- 10/06/02 - insultingly stupid movie physics - Provides clever analyses of all sorts of stupidity in movie physics. (
- 10/05/02 - magic cube - While the interface to the magic cube can be a bit tricky, with a bit of work you can create some interesting results. (
- 10/04/02 - - A great source of news, links and lots of great photoshopery. (
- 10/03/02 - bookworm - A rather addictive game where the goal is to link letters on a board to make words, and the letters dissapear. You must keep the red letters from reaching the bottom, or you lose. (
- 10/02/02 - - A clever flash game, with subtle nuances that might escape you the first few times you play. I think it'll probably take weeks of solid play before I can crack the high score list. (
- 10/01/02 - viking kittens - Viking kittens set to the tune of some classic Led Zeppelin. (
Thu Feb 6 03:52:09 2025