site of the day archive for june 2011
- 06/30/11 - letterology - Book design, experimental typography, and professional practices. (
- 06/29/11 - Mellow Brick Road - The Wizard of Oz remixed (44 times). (
- 06/28/11 - blow-up - An oral history of Michael Bay, the most explosive director of all time. (
- 06/27/11 - Should I change my password? - Enter your email address to see if it's on a list of accounts compromised by hackers. (
- 06/26/11 - Arrested Westeros - What happens when Game of Thrones meets Arrested Development. (
- 06/25/11 - a-face-a-day - A drawing of a face and a few words a day. (
- 06/24/11 - I Could Make That - New craft ideas every Friday. (
- 06/23/11 - Poems About Internet Dating - Chronicling the travails of online dating (and offline singlehood) in L.A (
- 06/22/11 - The Sartorialtwist - A random fashion generator. (
- 06/21/11 - Author-on-Author Insults - The 30 harshest author-on-author insults in history. (
- 06/20/11 - Big Bird Through the Years - The Evolution of Big Bird (1969-present). (
- 06/19/11 - Balboa Observer-Picayune - A very thorough Arrested Development fan site. (
- 06/18/11 - Inside Search - Go Inside Search to get the most out of Google. (
- 06/17/11 - Van Con 2011 - Celebrating 50 years of the NDP. (
- 06/16/11 - Dear Photograph - Take a picture of a picture from the past in the present. (
- 06/15/11 - Famous Vinyl - Famous people hanging out with their vinyl. (
- 06/14/11 - lorem pixum - A placeholder image generator. (
- 06/13/11 - Incidental Comics - Words and Pictures by Grant Snider. (
- 06/12/11 - Street Anatomy - Anatomy and pop culture. (
- 06/11/11 - PhD the Movie - The trailer for the new PhD Comics movie. (
- 06/10/11 - Letters to the Children of Troy - In early 1971, a librarian in Troy, Michigan wrote to dozens of actors, authors, artists, musicians, playwrights, librarians, and politicians of the day. She asked them to write a letter to the children of Troy about the importance of libraries, and their memories of reading and of books. 97 wrote back. (
- 06/09/11 - Newspaper Map - Find and translate over 10,000 newspapers. (
- 06/08/11 - top incomes - The world top incomes database. (
- 06/07/11 - 20 facts - 20 facts about U.S. inequality that everyone should know. (
- 06/06/11 - What's it worth? - We've always been able to say how much a Bachelor's degree is worth in general. Now, we show what each Bachelor's degree major is worth. (
- 06/05/11 - HTML 11 Labs - As HTML 5 gains prominence, a look forward to HTML 11. (
- 06/04/11 - Depixeling Pixel Art - An algorithm to extract a smooth, resolution-independent vector representation from pixel art. (
- 06/03/11 - Anatomy of a Mashup - A very cool visualization of the song "Definitive Daft Punk". (
- 06/02/11 - splinterbike - A 100% wooden bike. No bolts or screws, just wood and glues! (
- 06/01/11 - Literally Unbelievable - Stories from The Onion as interpreted by Facebook. (
Thu Feb 6 04:31:59 2025