site of the day archive for august 2005
- 08/31/05 - messenger flyby - The Mercury-bound MESSENGER spacecraft captured several stunning images of Earth during a gravity assist swingby of its home planet on Aug. 2, 2005. Several hundred images, taken with the wide-angle camera in MESSENGER?s Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS), were sequenced into a movie documenting the view from MESSENGER as it departed Earth. (
- 08/30/05 - cats in sinks - It's about cats. In sinks. (
- 08/29/05 - the language corner - An excellent guide to many of the subtleties of the English language. (
- 08/28/05 - pencil revolution - pencil philosophy: wooden wisdom, product reviews & ephemera, etc. (
- 08/27/05 - weather winners - Weather stats on Canada's 100 largest cities. (
- 08/26/05 - what have the brits ever done for us? - Straight from Ireland: top ten what have the brits ever done for us? (
- 08/25/05 - flying objects - What happens when you activate an MRI machine with metal objects in the room? (
- 08/24/05 - timeline - A cool flash based clock and calendar. (
- 08/23/05 - spin - A short film about an intercessor DJ. (
- 08/22/05 - overshadowed - A series of beautiful photographs by Keith Kin Yan. (
- 08/21/05 - overheard in new york - Glimpses of conversations overheard in New York. (
- 08/20/05 - akamai net usage - A breakdown of the web traffic on news stories around the world, as served by Akamai. (
- 08/19/05 - 2secret - Have you done something embarrassing? Something very wrong? Tell your secret to the world, anonymously. (
- 08/18/05 - george bush's spin doctor speaks - An expose of the process behind George Bush's speach writing process. (
- 08/17/05 - conan o'brien vs. bear - Late night legend. Wild animal beast. Who will win? (
- 08/16/05 - - The official campaign site for Christopher Walken's 2008 run for president. (
- 08/15/05 - quarters - The most amazing quarter bouncing you will ever see. (
- 08/14/05 - the bacon show - Daily bacon recipes. (
- 08/13/05 - space worms - In a world of dots, a lone worm must find a way to survive this game. (
- 08/12/05 - jelly bean wine bar - Recipes for all of your favourite varietals of wine using jelly beans. (
- 08/11/05 - aerial photography - Photographs of aerials. What else? (
- 08/10/05 - optical illusions - A blog devoted to optical illusions. (
- 08/09/05 - bewitched @ harpie's bizarre - The extensive homepage of someone who is way too obsessed with TV's Bewitched. (
- 08/08/05 - fotoopa - This photography site features some very cool high-speed photographs, interesting experimental pictures, and images of insects in flight. (
- 08/07/05 - the union makes us strong - A history of British trade unions. (
- 08/06/05 - bridges - Create a red line which goes from the one side of the board to the other before the computer completes a blue line from the top to the bottom. (
- 08/05/05 - colour perception - A trio of colour perception illusions. The third one is unbelievable. (
- 08/04/05 - balancing point - A visually spectacular short film. (
- 08/03/05 - kubrick 2001: the space odyssey explained - A multilingual interactive guide to 2001. (
- 08/02/05 - f-word films - List of films ordered by uses of the f-word. (
- 08/01/05 - - A guide to fine dining in Boston with extensive search capabilities and tons of information about chefs, restaurants and districts. (
Thu Feb 6 04:57:37 2025