site of the day archive for july 2005
- 07/31/05 - the fantastic in art & fiction - Arising from comparitive literature studies at Skidmore College this site provides a comprehensive image-bank as a visual resource for the study of the Fantastic or of the supernatural in fiction and in art. (
- 07/30/05 - - Answers to all of your bug questions. (
- 07/29/05 - semiotics for beginners - An excellent introduction to the field of semiotics. (
- 07/28/05 - galvanize! - Chemical Brothers: the game. (
- 07/27/05 - shitty tipper database - A searchable database of bad tippers from around the North America. Brought to you by bitterwaitress. (Are we supposed to tip 17% now?) (
- 07/26/05 - avoider - How long can you keep your mouse cursor safe in this flash game? (
- 07/25/05 - cube solver - Solutions to any Rubik's cube problem. (
- 07/24/05 - - What's you favourite word? Read about hundreds of favourite words. (
- 07/23/05 - cleaning and stain removal - Instructions on how to clean just about anything. (
- 07/22/05 - spindron system - Beautiful folded paper using a pattern called spindrons. (
- 07/21/05 - napkin folding 101 - Detailed instructions on how to fold napkins into a dozen popular forms. (
- 07/20/05 - online generators - Links to all sorts of generators, from Bart Simpson on the chalkboard, to Haikus, and dysfunctional family letters. (
- 07/19/05 - the shins will change your life - A blog consisting of excerpts of reviews of indie rock. (
- 07/18/05 - - Vivid descriptions of photographs never taken. If you prefer, gives you photographs of photographs never taken. (
- 07/17/05 - telltale signs - The Telltale Heart, as told by street signs. (
- 07/16/05 - unheard beethoven - A couple of Beethoven fans have put together a thorough collection of midi files and information on unrecorded works of the great composer. (
- 07/15/05 - eat hufu - Eat Hufu, the healthy human flesh alternative. (
- 07/14/05 - planarity - Rearrange the dots to so that none of the lines cross. Sounds simple, but it'll get you hooked. (
- 07/13/05 - - Find out what your website looks like when rendered by 8 different browsers. (
- 07/12/05 - cool coincidences - A collection of cool coincidences, brought to you by, and a few more. (
- 07/11/05 - crash this trailer - I can't speak for the movie, but the trailer crashing is pretty cool. (
- 07/10/05 - gmap pedometer - A clever site that features a hack that uses Google's superb mapping application to help record distances traveled during a running or walking workout. (
- 07/09/05 - warning: gravity is "only a theory" - It would be irresponsible not to include this warning in all physics textbooks. (
- 07/08/05 - starry night mosaic - An incredible 210,000 photo mosaic of Starry Night. (
- 07/07/05 - emilie's don't yawn game - Does this site make you yawn? (
- 07/06/05 - canadian garage bands - A site devoted to Canadian garage bands from the sixties. (
- 07/05/05 - adventure cycling association - An excellent American cycling resource. (
- 07/04/05 - learn latin - A library of free books to help you learn Latin. (
- 07/03/05 - 50 ways - Fifty ways to leave your lover (an completion to the Paul Simon classic). (
- 07/02/05 - casino carpet gallery - Six pages of photos of carpets in Casinos. (
- 07/01/05 - what really happened - There's nothing like a little conspiracy theory first thing in the morning. (
Thu Feb 6 05:42:45 2025