site of the day archive for january 2003
- 01/31/03 - gettysburg powerpoint - Ever wonder how the Gettysburg Address would have looked if Lincoln had Microsoft Office? (
- 01/30/03 - gulf war 2 - A flash based war simulator. Apparently the coalition will "win". Go good guys! (
- 01/29/03 - kiss drumsticks - Ken Rodenas has collected a complete history of drumsticks used by KISS. (
- 01/28/03 - state of the union drinking game - When George Dubya Bush delivers the State of the American Union speech this evening, you can play along at home with this fun drinking game. (
- 01/27/03 - stop motion studies - A series of short stop motion animations of people. (
- 01/26/03 - kubrick2001 - A well executed flash animation that sets out to explain 2001: A Space Odyssey. (
- 01/25/03 - growth of an american nation - A ten minute animated historical atlas of the history of the United States. (
- 01/24/03 - library link of the day - Every day, a new link to a library related website is presented. (
- 01/23/03 - cuss control - This site is devoted to increasing awareness of the problems of cussing, and solutions that you can try in your everyday life. They have a shitload of kickass advice. Fuckin' eh! (
- 01/22/03 - sockman calculator - Enter your age and find out how many pairs of socks you have worn in your life. (
- 01/21/03 - - A site devoted to children who have been brought up with little or no human contact. (
- 01/20/03 - broken poem generator - presents the broken poem generator. (
- 01/19/03 - state of the union... not good - George W. Bush tells is as he really sees it. (
- 01/18/03 - flags of the world - An absolutely absurd quantity of information about flags. I'm really not sure where to start. If you have any interest in flags, check it out. (
- 01/17/03 - how to say cheers in different countries - The Alternate Whiskey Academy presents an international toast. Their site is full of whiskey information and humour. (
- 01/16/03 - - Auction oddities from all over the web. (
- 01/15/03 - collective terms for animals - A rather comprehensive list of collective terms for animals. As well, there are some terms for pairs or triples of animals. (
- 01/14/03 - the skeptics annotated bible - A carefully annotated and index copy of the old and new testaments, with an eye for contradictions, absurdities, sex and false prophecies. (
- 01/13/03 - java settlers - An online version of the popular board game Settlers of Catan. (
- 01/12/03 - the first spam - The first spam and reactions to it. (
- 01/11/03 - famous monkeys - An index of famous monkeys from books, movies and space exploration. (
- 01/10/03 - it hurts - A collection of images that are hard on the eyes. (
- 01/09/03 - die screaming with sharp things in your head - A site devoted to impaled garden gnomes. (
- 01/08/03 - weezer fight - A flash game where you fight with the guys from Weezer. (
- 01/07/03 - dot game - Can you connect the dots with four lines? (
- 01/06/03 - the 100 most annoying things from 2002 - A list of 100 things we hope to leave behind in 2003. (
- 01/05/03 - candytrain - A flash game where the objective is to rotate tiles on a map to ensure that your train can safely pick up and deliver its cargo. (
- 01/04/03 - cover heaven - Album covers using sex to sell music from the 50s, 60s and 70s. (
- 01/03/03 - bubble trouble - A thoroughly addictive flash game where the obejct is to pop bubbles before they hit you. (
- 01/02/03 - star wars origami - Some really cool origami of star wars droids and vehicles. (
- 01/01/03 - - A great fan site for the Intellivision, complete with history, demos and more. (
Fri Jan 17 16:39:51 2025