site of the day archive for july 2009
- 07/31/09 - Meet Phineas Gage - The only known photograph of Phineas Gage and the story of how it was identified on Flickr. (
- 07/30/09 - The Evolution of the New York Skyline - A look at New York's skyline through history. (
- 07/29/09 - subway maps - The World's Most Impressive Subway Maps (
- 07/28/09 - run! - A simple yet compelling one button flash game. (
- 07/27/09 - forgotten bookmarks - Things found in used books. (
- 07/26/09 - 1984 in film - Was 1984 the greatest year in movies? (
- 07/25/09 - Palin's Resignation: The Edited Version - Vanify Fair presents an edited version of Sarah Palin's resignation speech. (
- 07/24/09 - le twitter hack - A timeline of last week's Twitter hack. (
- 07/23/09 - New Zealand tourism posters - Tourism posters, as seen in Murray's office in Flight of the Conchords. (
- 07/22/09 - lovelace - the origin - Part one of a series of web comics about Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage. (
- 07/21/09 - the ultimate test - In honor of the end of the semester, I present the following in-class exam. (
- 07/20/09 - Social Skydiving - 30 days of engaging in genuine conversation with strangers. Dear god no. (
- 07/19/09 - mario family line - A family tree of all of the Mario games. (
- 07/18/09 - An impressive yet simple photographic effect - How to make a custom Bokeh effect for your SLR. (
- 07/17/09 - music from a tree - In the garden of my house there's a tree with lots of randomly grown twigs. It looks odd and nice at the same time. One day I asked myself if I could create a piece of music with it. (
- 07/16/09 - i dream of a world without you - Portraits and biographies of genuine bona-fide fictional scumbags. (
- 07/15/09 - fancy fast food - Extreme makeovers of actual fast food items purchased at popular fast food restaurants. No additional ingredients have been added except for an occasional simple garnish. (
- 07/14/09 - Top 10 comic book cities - From Gotham City to Mega City One, the Architects' Journal presents a selection of the greatest illustrated urban spaces. (
- 07/13/09 - British Printed Images to 1700 - A digital library of prints and book illustrations from early modern Britain. (
- 07/12/09 - pitfall - I Went Left Instead Of Right In Pitfall And Kept On Tickin' And Now I Believe In Miracles: An absurdist play (
- 07/11/09 - Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality - Each item was purchased, taken home, and photographed immediately. Nothing was tampered with, run over by a car, or anything of the sort. It is an accurate representation in every case. Shiny, neon-orange, liquefied pump-cheese, and all. (
- 07/10/09 - - Depressed pets. (
- 07/09/09 - ScriptShadow - Reviewing the latest scripts in Hollywood. (
- 07/08/09 - 12 gorgeous videos - A collection of beautiful art videos on Vimeo. (
- 07/07/09 - happiest people ever - Photos of the happiest people ever. (
- 07/06/09 - owl tattoos - The prime internet resource for owl tattoos. (
- 07/05/09 - forgotten art supplies - The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies. (
- 07/04/09 - soap bubbles - Amazing pictures of bursting soap bubbles. (
- 07/03/09 - Neuromancer at 25: What It Got Right, What It Got Wrong - The novel, published on July 1, 1984, predicted the World Wide Web, cyberspace, and a lot of other things. Which of William Gibson's predictions have come true, and which still seem far off? (
- 07/02/09 - Gum Alert - A blog dedicated to one of life's greatest little pleasures: Gum. (
- 07/01/09 - Canada - Happy Canada Day! (
Fri Sep 13 04:25:31 2024