site of the day archive for june 2003
- 06/30/03 - gallery of obscure patents - If there's one thing that the world needs, it's an Apparatus for simulating a 'high five'. (
- 06/29/03 - miss black widow - A site dedicated to a "murderous biting robber", the black widow spider. Be sure to check out the effects of drugs on web-spinning. (
- 06/28/03 - theme park accident list - Ever wonder if anyone actually does get hurt on theme park rides? Well, now you can find out. (
- 06/27/03 - box office oracle - Choose a genre, director, release date, and a few big stars and the Box Office Oracle will tell you how well it will do. (
- 06/26/03 - stanford rejects - A thriving online community dedicated to people who "chose not to go to Stanford". (
- 06/25/03 - - An archive of vintage radio shows. (
- 06/24/03 - fuck - A flash lesson on proper use of the f-word. (
- 06/23/03 - museum of civilization - The web presence of the Canadian Museum of Civilization is imprssive. I don't even know where to start, other than to suggest that you take a look. (
- 06/22/03 - barbies - A collection of new barbie doll styles, such as Marge Simpson Barbie, FemBot Barbie and Latex Fetish Barbie. (
- 06/21/03 - - A huge collection of straight to the point, innuendo dripping, excessively cheesy and lame pickup lines that probably won't work. (
- 06/20/03 - mathematics, university of toronto - Today I continue my PhD tours with a visit to the math department at U of T. (
- 06/19/03 - museum of anti-alcohol posters - A collection of posters from the anti-alcohol campaign in Russian during the eighties. (
- 06/18/03 - flash experiments - A collection of 20 flash demos. (
- 06/17/03 - linus pauling research notebooks - A collection of fourty six notebooks spanning over 70 years of his life. (
- 06/16/03 - dialect survey - The Harvard Dialect Survey. Check out the dialect maps to see how people pronounce etcetera, aunt and coupon, what people call the activity of driving a car in small circles, that big road where yopu drive really fast. and dozens of other dialect differences across the states. (
- 06/15/03 - shakespeare and the internet - One of the best online references to the bard. (
- 06/14/03 - clay kitten shooting - There is something ever so slightly disturbing abou tthe idea of throwing kittens high in the air and shooting them. (
- 06/13/03 - - A large collection of unpleasant things. (
- 06/12/03 - - The basic mission and strategy of Backpack Nation is to transform the world's dire political situation by sending individual travelers from the developed countries to serve as roving ambassadors to the world's less-wealthy countries. (
- 06/11/03 - magic cube 4d - Lots of information about four-dimensional Rubick's Cubes. (
- 06/10/03 - worst country song titles - Ain't country music grand? (
- 06/09/03 - norwegian manhole covers - A site devoted to Norwegian manhole covers. (
- 06/08/03 - i will press - A great collection of flash movies about a poet and her squirrel. (
- 06/07/03 - museum of the history of science - The virtual collections from the Oxford museum of the same name. (
- 06/06/03 - the unh project - An illustrated dictionary of comic book grunts. (
- 06/05/03 - math at queen's - Today I'm checking out the PhD program at Queen's Univeristy in Kingston. Wish me luck. (
- 06/04/03 - matrix wallpapers - An easy to follow set of instructions to make your own set of Matrix style images in Photoshop. (
- 06/03/03 - - The official Chile Pepper website. Plenty of restaurant reviews, tons of recipes and more. (
- 06/02/03 - earth and moon viewer - A great collection of images of the Earth and the Moon. Choose a view from your choice of satellites, or coordinates, or check out topological maps, weather satellite images and views of the dark side of the moon. (
- 06/01/03 - everest - A panoramic view from the peak of Everest. (
Thu Feb 6 05:28:48 2025