site of the day archive for august 2004
- 08/31/04 - Pleasure Boat Captains for Truth - A new organization that strives to bring truth to the US elections. (
- 08/30/04 - higgs boson - In 1993, the UK Science Minister, William Waldegrave, challenged physicists to produce an answer that would fit on one page to the question 'What is the Higgs boson, and why do we want to find it?'. Here are the winning entries. (
- 08/29/04 - word gizmo - Click the Generate button to view a new word. What meaning does the new word suggest to you? Check out some definitions provided by other users. (
- 08/28/04 - bush medals - An interesting look at the the glorious medals won by George W. Bush. (
- 08/27/04 - - The home of a dedicated group of trekkies who believe that the death of Captain Kirk was a travesty that must be corrected. (
- 08/26/04 - - Celebrating oxymoronic, paradoxical and self-contradictory quotations. (
- 08/25/04 - google credit card search - The fine folks at Google have been kind enough to support searching ranges of numbers. By separating two numbers by "..", every page containing any number in that range is returned. This is quite convenient if you happen to forget your credit card number, and wish to find a helpful soul who may have it posted for you on his site. (
- 08/24/04 - oedilf - The Oxford English Dictionary In Limerick Form. The name pretty much says it all. This group of people ahve set out to write a limerick for every word in the English Language. (
- 08/23/04 - the fat-kins diet - A crazy squirrel's take on the Atkins dieting fad. (
- 08/22/04 - skateboard lingo - Descriptions and videos of skateboard tricks. (
- 08/21/04 - hall of technical documentation weirdness - A gallery of bizarre warnings and instructions. (
- 08/20/04 - the best of the decline and fall of the roman empire - A distillation of the best parts of Gibbon's classic. (
- 08/19/04 - ramones name generator - Find out what your name would be if you were one of the ramones. (
- 08/18/04 - pixel field - Your goal in this game is to guide your three pixels through a minefield to collect the energy squares. It sounds pretty silly, but it can be quite addictive. (
- 08/17/04 - - A searchable archive of book summaries. (
- 08/16/04 - the spec spot - Some amazing commercials by aspiring advertising producers. (
- 08/15/04 - - Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines. (
- 08/14/04 - creep - A great flash video for Radiohead's Creep. Come to think of it, the band's site is pretty cool too. (
- 08/13/04 - mark fiore's animation gallery - An excellent series of political flash cartoons. In particular I'd recommend Minister of Fear and America's Favourite, among many others. (
- 08/12/04 - simpsons personality test - Take this quick test to determine which Simpsons personality most closely resembles you. (
- 08/11/04 - psych ward - A comic strip featuring the experiences of a third year medical student working in a psych ward. (
- 08/10/04 - panopticon lavoisier - An internet museum dedicated to the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. (
- 08/09/04 - a murder of scarecrows - The Skeleton Shop brings you a flash game where the goal is to protect the scarecrows from invading birds. (
- 08/08/04 - pages from the past - Full digitized archives of the Toronto Star from 1892 to 2001 available for a small charge. (
- 08/07/04 - math that makes you go wow - A multi-disciplinary exploration of non-orientable surfaces. (
- 08/06/04 - virtual knee surgery - Now you can perform a virtual knee surgery from the safety of your own home. (
- 08/05/04 - the war against silence - An excellent column about music that is sadly coming to an end shortly. (
- 08/04/04 - - Simple. Easy. Fun. A huge collection of fun, easy to play games online. (
- 08/03/04 - - A presidential message from Will Ferrell. Don't forget to vote. (If you're an American) (
- 08/02/04 - movie title screens - A gallery of title screens from nearly 3000 movies. (
- 08/01/04 - knotplot - An incredible visual tool for studying and playing with mathematical knots. For the mathematician and layman alike. (
Thu Mar 6 19:16:57 2025