site of the day archive for february 2001
- 02/28/01 - 2600 - The hacker quarterly. Home of getting sued by all sorts of large corporations, Kevin Mitnick and a great collection of payphones from around the world. (
- 02/27/01 - movie studio - vicki and I are making a movie. Want to know more? Want to get involved? Check out our page in progress. (
- 02/26/01 - glyn's web - Alan Turing, instant wisdom (philosophy for those short on time) and more. (
- 02/25/01 - paranoid - Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you. Another in my continuing series of websites that confuse me. (
- 02/24/01 - - All the 70s nostalgia you could ever want. (
- 02/23/01 - - All the all your base are belong to us information you could possibly desire. (
- 02/22/01 - - Satellite images from all over the world. Searchable by longtitude and lattitude, with enough resolution to make out your house. (
- 02/21/01 - user friendly - A great geeky comic strip. (
- 02/20/01 - ellison webderland - The official Harlan Ellison homepage. Who, may you ask, is Harlan Ellison? He's a fantastic contemporary author of such works as I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and many more. Perhaps best known for his short stories, such as those collected in slippage. I was recently turned on to him by vicki, and can't get enough. (
- 02/19/01 - am i right - A truly hilarious collection of misheard lyrics and song parodies. (
- 02/18/01 - unsolved mathematics - A great collection of unsolved and interesting problems in mathematics. (
- 02/17/01 - brenda's wonderous web world - A very nicely put together site with all sorts of writings on a variety of topics. (
- 02/16/01 - all your base are belong to us - A very strange music video (?) that my brother and the astute noMaD sent my way. (
- 02/15/01 - digit mania - A great collection of digits for use in counters, clocks and all sorts of devious behaviour. (
- 02/14/01 - mike froh - Mike Froh's webpage. A fantastic collection of wallpapers he put together using the gimp, pics, a journal and other spiffiness. He too is a subscriber to the generate-me-on-the-fly school of web design. And he has a shiny shirt. (
- 02/13/01 - freedom's nest quotes - A great collection of famous quotations of all kinds divided into convenient categories. (
- 02/12/01 - infiltration - The zine about going places you're not supposed to go. (
- 02/11/01 - - Everything you ever wanted to know about cheese. (
- 02/10/01 - the simpsons archive - The ultimate Simpsons resource. All the scripts (including things you may have missed, and jokes you never got), miscellaneous Simpsons links, and pretty much everything a Simpsons fan could wish for. (
- 02/09/01 - nadia ursacki - The Manliest Man in Math. (hopefully if I make her the site of the day she'll go back to updating it more often) (
- 02/08/01 - fruvous dot com - The Official Moxy Fruvous site. One of my favourite bands from back in the day. (
- 02/07/01 - - The website that Corporate America wants to shut down. Explains just what is wrong with America today, well, sort of. (
- 02/06/01 - - Acollection of writings by a large pool of people, all interconnected in strange ways. Definitely worth checking out. (
- 02/05/01 - - Even more tests, personality, purity, death and more. (
- 02/04/01 - i rearrangement servant - The internet anagram server. (
- 02/03/01 - whose line is it anyway? - The legendary British improvisational show that slides along the razor blade of convention and good taste. Complete with clips and information about the show and its stars. (
- 02/02/01 - the annals of improbable research - Home of the Ig Nobel prizes and lots of other cool stuff. (
- 02/01/01 - metafilter - A weblog that anyone can contribute to. All sorts of links and "interesting" comments. Saves you a lot of random surfing time, and replaces it with pseudo-random surfing time. (
Sat Mar 29 06:45:57 2025