site of the day archive for november 2001
- 11/30/01 - irrational exuberance - A very weird flash video featuring Yatta and lots of fruit. (
- 11/29/01 - m.c. escher - The official M.C. Escher Website. (
- 11/28/01 - - An amazing collection of really addictive flash games. My favourite is bubble bee (where the object is to catch bees in soap bubbles as they fly by), but it's worth checking most of the two dozen or so games out. (
- 11/27/01 - tripplehom - A site devoted to triple homonyms. (
- 11/26/01 - dougnut history - Many historians died to get this information on the web. Use this knowledge with great care. (
- 11/25/01 - - A site devoted to promoting civility between phone users and the people around them. (
- 11/24/01 - sheepgame - Virtual sheepherding! (
- 11/23/01 - walk designer - A rather cool skeletal walking simulator. (
- 11/22/01 - pong - A flash animation where Pong meets, among other things, a fighting game and Grand Theft Auto. (
- 11/21/01 - extreme programming - A gentle introduction to Extreme Programming, a deliberate and disciplined approach to programming. (
- 11/20/01 - schoolbus - More flash weirdness from the people who brought you gonads, strife, and a little squirrel that goes weee!. (
- 11/19/01 - - Research into crop circles, UFOs, spiritual awareness and enlightenment.... For crazy people. (
- 11/18/01 - leonid storm - Check here for all the details on what will perhaps bethe best meteor shower of your life. (
- 11/17/01 - am i annoying or not? - Vote on whether thousands of celebritties are annoying or not. (
- 11/16/01 - anemic - Cool. Weird, yet cool. (
- 11/15/01 - the lair of the marrow monkey - Well done flash fiction, with cool audio. (
- 11/14/01 - create-a-fart - Ummm... just what the title says. (
- 11/13/01 - lotus artificial life - A rather cool java implementation of the game of life (including disease and evolution) (
- 11/12/01 - wayofthestick - A flash stick figure martial arts combat game. (
- 11/11/01 - flight404: search and recovery - An interesting little flash site about a fictional airline tragedy. (
- 11/10/01 - the condiment packet museum - From ketchup to soy sauce, this site has it all. (
- 11/09/01 - abstract games magazine - The website for a magazing that takes an interesting look at the world of Abstract Games. For those unacquainted with such things, here is an article that aptly describes them. (
- 11/08/01 - gnutellavision - On offshoot from research done by the BAILANDO Projects at Berkeley that allows you to view Gnutella traffic graphically in real time. Be sure to check out some of their other projects. (
- 11/07/01 - - Sweetcode reports innovative free software. "Innovative" means that the software reported here isn't just a clone of something else or a minor add-on to something else or a port of something else or yet another implementation of a widely recognized concept. (
- 11/06/01 - cleaning the fucking kitchen for dummies - The latest installment in the For Dummies series, instructions on the basics of kitchen care. (
- 11/05/01 - star wars origins - A site that hypothesizes on those things that inspired Star Wars. (
- 11/04/01 - ties by infectioes awareables - Neck ties with pictures of your favourite infectious agents. (
- 11/03/01 - titoonic spider - A cool flash game where you play, you guessed it, a spider. (
- 11/02/01 - the musuem of unworkable devices - A nice collection of perpetual motion machines. (
- 11/01/01 - appleboy112 - A flash game where you play a small boy who must defend his yard from invaders using only apples and his wits. Space invaders style. (
Sat Mar 29 06:46:54 2025