site of the day archive for july 2002
- 07/31/02 - heroes - Clerks meets Marvel superheroes. Hilarous. "It's not like `throws shields well` looks good on a resume," says Daredevil to Captain America. Silver Surfer and Galactus as Jay and Silent Bob kick ass. (
- 07/30/02 - project cryo - This guy has found a clever mod for his optical mouse that turns it into a cryogenic chamber for one lucky little lego man. (
- 07/29/02 - behind the typeface: cooper black - The ups and downs in the hard life of a star typeface born in the thirties. (
- 07/28/02 - mark twain quotations - A huge collection of quotations, newspaper collections and related resources pertaining to Mark Twain. (
- 07/27/02 - utterly outrageous recipes - In case you couldn't eat the food on the airline yesterday, you might want to try one of these recipes. Or not. (
- 07/26/02 - - Ever wonder what you will be eating on your next flight? Are you sure you want to know? (
- 07/25/02 - riddles - A large collection of riddles of the type you might be asked at a high tech interview. The urban legend is that a lot of these originated atMicrosoft, though I don't find most of the Microsoft style ones to be all that thrilling. The hard riddles are a ton of fun though (great way to massively reduce office productivity, or put off your thesis). In case these are a bit much, the medium and easy ones are a good place to start. (
- 07/24/02 - the wacky world of japanese ice cream - Given the choice between fish, ox tongue, fried eggplant, wasabi, and cactus ice cream, I'll choose one of these. (
- 07/23/02 - action comics number one - Now you too can read the comic that introduced Superman to the world, in its entirety, thanks to this scan of a comic book classic. (
- 07/22/02 - the skeptic's dictionary - A critical survey of questionable therapies, eccentric beliefs, amusing deceptions and dangerous delusions. This site provides a collection of hundreds of writings on all things occult, pseudoscientific and absurd. (
- 07/21/02 - - Convert between units of length, weight, viscosity, and virtually any other class of measurement your heart may desire. (
- 07/20/02 - breeder - In this flash game, you goal is to breed 8 rabbits. (
- 07/19/02 - true porn clerk stories - Well, the title says it all. (
- 07/18/02 - a.l.i.c.e. ai foundation - A fairly successful AI group, perhaps best known for their cunning instant messenger bot. This very clever bot has fooled many people I know. (
- 07/17/02 - the time travel fund - Ever wanted to travel into the future? Well now is your chance. Under the premise that eventually time travel will be made possible, they will invest 10 dollars in trust, to be spent only when it, along with however many years of accumulated interest have accrued, are sufficient to pay for a trip for you to the future. Just think, at 5 percent interest a 10 dollar investment will be worth nearly four hundred billion dollars. Will that be enough? (
- 07/16/02 - - This market leader in the field of bloodspatter analysis with computers even provides a free demo for download. (
- 07/15/02 - - A discussion and support group for people who cannot seem to finish their dissertation or thesis. (
- 07/14/02 - a prisoner's dictionary - A dictionary devoted to the ever-changing language of prison inmates. (
- 07/13/02 - - is a site dedicated to furthering the cause of proper grammar and correct word choice. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. (
- 07/12/02 - pearls before swine - A little flash game that is harder than it may at first seem. Can you force him to take the last pearl? (
- 07/11/02 - chronic logic - The authors of the popular Bridgebuilder and Pontifex are at it again. This time they've come out with Triptych. As triplets of coloured block fall from the sky, you must rotate and move them so that three of a kind touch. When they do, the blocks will dissapear. but there's a catch, you must cope with gravity, bouncing and twisting blocks. Definitely worth registering for the full version. (
- 07/10/02 - google mirror - On those days when google is running slow, you can always use this google mirror. (
- 07/09/02 - koko the talking monkey - Some new flash strangeness about a talking monkey who says "apply nipple hungry", from the people who brought you the squirrel that goes weeeeee, a song about hypothermia and a schoolbus. Be sure the try the "li'l kids" version. (
- 07/08/02 - philosophical humour - A huge collection of philosophical, math and science humour. I still haven't managed to make my way through the whole thing, but a few early highlights include Proofs that P by various philosophers, definitions, a non-philosopher's guide to philosophical terms, and the Postmodernism Generator. You know, if I were smart, I'd just spread out all these links over a week or two. Who ever accused me of being smart? (
- 07/07/02 - beershots - This site features microscopic views of beers from around the world. (
- 07/06/02 - inconstant moon - A site devoted to all things lunar. Selenographia takes you through a fantastic set of lunar maps, while the Cyclopedia Selenica proves to be an excellent lunar encyclopedia. Also take a look at the multimedia lunar tours. (
- 07/05/02 - the official 5.25" disk sleeve archive - This site features an archive of almost 500 5.25" disk sleeves. Oh the memories. (
- 07/04/02 - pixel jam - A clever use of small animated gifs, this site provides animations based on very small gifs, blown up to fill your screen by your browser. (
- 07/03/02 - the classic typewriter page - A wonderful typewriter resource, with everything from typewriter history, to info on typewriter parts and plenty of resources for collectors of antiques. (
- 07/02/02 - chile head - A site devoted to chiles. Topics include nomenclature, drinks, recipes, and much more. (
- 07/01/02 - the origins of canada day - Canada's 135 today! (
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