site of the day archive for may 2002
- 05/31/02 - asl's lego page - An amazing collection of lego constructions by Andrew Lispon. You'll need some software from to view his schematics, but he's also got plenty of screen shots. I'm rather amazed by his large collection of Mathematical Lego Structures. He has dozens of beautiful designs, from Mobius Strips, to various knots, minimal surafaces, a Klein Bottle and many more cool surfaces such as Bour's Surface and a Costa Surface (be sure to check out the animated GIF). (
- 05/30/02 - - The home of a really cool Lego CAD package. If only I had access to tools like this when I was a kid, image what I could have designed. They are also amassing perhaps the largest public database of Lego parts. (
- 05/29/02 - guimp - The world's smallest website. (
- 05/28/02 - glurge - A website devoted to the burgeoning field of chain lettering. (
- 05/27/02 - zippo tricks - A website and community devoted to doing cool things with lighters. Video clips demonstrating tricks, a nice collection of wallpapers and more zippo goodness make this site an excellent way to feed the pyromaniac inside all of us. Don't miss the video library and hall of fame, and if you own a Zippo the maintenance page is quite useful. (
- 05/26/02 - microwave physics - A collection of fun (read: stupid) experiments to try with someone else's microwave oven. Complete with videos and detailed instructions. Do not try this at home, try it at your friend's house. (
- 05/25/02 - cyberpounce - The world's first video game for cats. (
- 05/24/02 - scunt of the nerds - Tonight, for the first time ever, the Mathies will be running the EngScunt at the University of Waterloo. (
- 05/23/02 - refresh - Refresh: The Art of the Screensaver. The works of 22 artists who set out to produce art that is both beautiful and a functional screensaver. (
- 05/22/02 - google labs - Google has just unveiled Google Labs, the Google technology playground. This showcase for emerging search technology includes Google Glossary for definitions of words, phrases and acronyms and Google Sets, where you enter a list of items, and it will attempt to find a larger set that extends your list (try "Toyota", "Ford", "Honda" for example, or "3.14159", "2.71818" for another). As well, you can now phone in your searches using Google Voice Search, and see you're search results displayed online (I warn you that the line is often busy), and finally, Keyboard Shortcuts allow you to easily navigate through searches without using a mouse. I'm very impressed. (
- 05/21/02 - the best excuse - Need an excuse? can help. (
- 05/20/02 - the x-files timeline - To celebrate the conclusion of the X-Files, I present the X-Files timeline. (
- 05/19/02 - weirdo leonardo - A site dedicated to some of the stranger works of art by Leonardo da Vinci. (
- 05/18/02 - acts of gord - Love the Gord, Fear the Gord. The soapbox from which Gord, the proprietor of a Canadian Video Game store rants about his customers, and the rest of the idiots in the world. So much content, wouldn't know where to tell you to start, other than at the beginning, The Book of Annoyances. One of his better pieces is a throough debunking of the "All consoles are sold below cost" myth, found here. He doesn't update all that often, but you will still have tons to read before he next posts and rant. (
- 05/17/02 - need to know - Need to Know is a useful and interesting UK digest of things that happened last week or might happen next week. Updated every Friday, it's a worthwhile read. (
- 05/16/02 - - Often interesting, always pedantic, this catalog of continuity, visible cameras, messed up dialogue and blatant factual errors will show you all that is wrong with all of your favourite films. (Apparently Spider-man is rapidly catching up to the Matrix as the movie with the highest reported mistake rate) (
- 05/15/02 - hubblesite - An excellent site built around the Hubble Space Telescope. A fantastic set of Wallpapers, an outline of Discoveries made by Hubble and analysis of Hubble data, News and Views (including some excellent new images every week or so), Games and more. Don't be surprised to spend a long time there. (
- 05/14/02 - vintage luggage labels - Dedicated to the lost art of the luggage label. (
- 05/13/02 - classic fallacies - A small collection of classically fallacious mathematical proofs. (
- 05/12/02 - m.u.s.c.l.e. revisited - Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere. At this site they have taken it upon themselves to go through every one of those little pink creatures and tell you their story. (
- 05/11/02 - - Forget Am I Hot or Not?, this site let's you determine which is better a Poorly Drawn Pumpkin or String Cheese. The premise is simply, given two choices, voice your opinion as to which one is superior and find out how many people agree with you. (
- 05/10/02 - the splitter - An excellent satirical baseball site. I first stumbled across their news bulletin about the declaration of independence by the Expos. (
- 05/09/02 - five finger fillet - Deftly drop the dagger dodging your digits in this flash version of a classic (stupid) game. (
- 05/08/02 - dictionary of custom license plate terms - A must read for any contestant of Bumper Stumpers, this site will guide you through the arduous task of translating vanity license plates. (
- 05/07/02 - stephen's guide to logical fallacies - An excellent collection of all of the major logical fallacies, complete with definitions, examples and proofs. From begging the question to various syllogistic fallacies, and equivocation to the fallacy of false dilemma. An excellent read for anyone who fancies themselves skilled in the art of argumentation. (
- 05/06/02 - johnny glow - This unique product is designed to "help you see where you are going". Never have unfortunate nocturnal bladder relief aiming accidents again. (
- 05/05/02 - american mile markers - Join Matt Frondorf as he drives from the Statue of Liberty to the Golden Gate Bridge, his camera clicking at every mile. Take a peak at the Flash or Quicktime viewers. (
- 05/04/02 - finding the speed of light - A page from the International Commission on Physics Education that describes a very simple experiment using a microwave, a casserole dish, marshmallows and a ruler to accurately (within 5% or so) measure the speed of light. (
- 05/03/02 - home plate - A site devoted to furthering the use of paper plates as an educational tool. (
- 05/02/02 - collapse - And you thought that bejeweled was addictive. Your mission is quite simple, detonate like coloured blocks to clear the screen. So very easy at first. (
- 05/01/02 - - My colocation provider. Thanks so much to the very kind people who help to ensure that my server is alive. (
Sat Mar 29 06:40:21 2025