site of the day archive for november 2002
- 11/30/02 - - The number one online auction site for babies. That is, to buy and sell babies. (
- 11/29/02 - - An online museum of posters for concerts and shows. (
- 11/28/02 - the seamless city - Seamless City is a continuous visual image of the city made up of sequential photos of a walk through the city shot from a pedestrian point of view. Each image is visually connected to the next as the objects are in the real world. (
- 11/27/02 - the museum of weird consumer culture - A collection of images from around the world of consumer culture finding strange ways to exert its influence. (
- 11/26/02 - vaudeville slang - A dictionary of vaudeville slang. (
- 11/25/02 - paper rulers - For those times when you need a one time use disposable paper ruler, now you can print one out. (
- 11/24/02 - insults online - A new insult with every visit. (
- 11/23/02 - - Vote on various lists, or submit your own. For example, the Top 91 Star Wars Porn Lines, Not-so-common Philosophical Sayings, or the Top 50 Lesser-Known Greek Gods. (
- 11/22/02 - hubcap creatures - Animal sculptures made from hubcaps. Too bad they cost over a thousand dollars a piece. (
- 11/21/02 - kuntsbar - Flash animation about art. (
- 11/20/02 - geonative - This site is devoted to promoting and increasing knowledge of the local names for places around the world. (
- 11/19/02 - conceptual metaphor home page - An online database of metaphors designed to allow a user to trace links between metaphors. (
- 11/18/02 - instrument jokes - A collection of jokes about musical instruments and the people who play them. (
- 11/17/02 - earth erotica - This artist uses lanscapes to make photographs that resemble the naked human form. (
- 11/16/02 - - This artist uses a naked human form to make photographs that resemble landscapes. (
- 11/15/02 - - The 80's Movies Gateway is an internet encyclopedia of movies from the eighties. (
- 11/14/02 - - A site devoted to building implosions, blowdowns and other types of structural blasting. (
- 11/13/02 - evil clown - Use flash to construct the face of an evil clown. (
- 11/12/02 - the eye - A cool flash animated eye. (
- 11/11/02 - attrition image galleries - A rather fine collection of image galleries. Be sure to take a look at some of the Demotivational Posters, the collection of funny signs, entertaining cartoons, well made spoofs, and a lot more. (
- 11/10/02 - bad scrabble - Some of the worst scrabble hands you'll ever see. (
- 11/09/02 - gamebutton arcade - A gallery of games contained in a "Submit" button. Weird. (
- 11/08/02 - dark side switch - A spoof of the popular Apple switch ad campaign featuring Anakin Skywalker. (
- 11/07/02 - piled higher and deeper - This absolutely hilarious comic strip about grad school was sent my way by Cecilia. Now you can follow the lives of Cecilia, Mike Slackenerny, Tajel, and that guy whose name no one really knows. (
- 11/06/02 - bloody finger mail - Send messages to your friends scrawled in blood on the bathroom wall. (
- 11/05/02 - scrollbar racing - Which scrollbar will reach the bottom first? Place your bets. (
- 11/04/02 - the silica gel mystery exposed - Finally, an explanation of the mysteries behind those little "Do not eat" packets you see everywhere. (
- 11/03/02 - the muppet faq - Answers to all of your muppet questions. (
- 11/02/02 - a year's days of poets - Collected by members of the English department at the University of Toronto, this site lists important poetic events for each day of the year. Also be sure to take a look at the glossary of poetic terms. (
- 11/01/02 - evil overlord list - 100 things I must remember to do once I become an evil overlord. (
Sat Mar 29 06:46:55 2025