site of the day archive for april 2003
- 04/30/03 - allyouready - AYBABTU in warning signs. (
- 04/29/03 - profquotes - Inspired by the original profQUOTES at the Univeristy of Waterloo, there is now an international version. Also check out Student Quotes. (
- 04/28/03 - the upsidedown map page - A site devoted to maps that don't assume that north is necessarily up. An unfortunate title, but a cool page nonetheless. (
- 04/27/03 - the plural of virus - A short page describing why you should use "viruses" as the plural of virus. (Other than the fact that it is the correct plural, of course). (
- 04/26/03 - how-to-bow - Learn how to bow (in the Japanese style) with this handy flash tutorial. (
- 04/25/03 - the real saddam - Would the real Saddam Hussein please stand up? (to the tune of Slim Shady) (
- 04/24/03 - a word a day - I've recently renewed my subscription to A.Word.A.Day. If find me starting to use a more advanced vocabulary in my sotd descriptions in place of the monosyllabic mumbling we've all grown accustomed to, you'll know where to look for help. (
- 04/23/03 - where's willy? - The canadian currency tracker. Enter the serial number of the canadian bills in your wallet and where you are located and check back later to track the location of your money. With over $4.5 million registered their database is growing daily. There are also similar sites for Europe, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and the USA. (
- 04/22/03 - - Not quite what you might be expecting (probably safe for work). (
- 04/21/03 - - Country infortmation, regional and world rankings. This site has a heap of statistics gathered around the world. Be sure to check out the page of lists. (
- 04/20/03 - lorem ipsum - The interesting story behind Lorem Ipsum. Used as a standard point of reference since the 1500s, this latin text written by Cicero in 45 BC has been a typesetters dummy text for hundreds of years. (
- 04/19/03 - paul auster: the definitive website - An author I've recently started reading. Although I must admit that I have nothing terribly insightful to say about his latest work The Book of Illusions, that is more of a reflection on me than it is on his writing abilities. I suggest you check it out. The New York Trilogy and many of his other works come highly recommended as well. (
- 04/18/03 - error 404 - Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction. (
- 04/17/03 - great vomits of the twentieth century - True stories of vomit from around the world. (
- 04/16/03 - office space soundboard - A soundboard of some of the best sound clips from Office Space. (
- 04/15/03 - transit toronto - A great source of information about the Toronto Transit Commission. One of the gems that first caught my attention is the Lost Subway Stations page. (
- 04/14/03 - the jefferson muzzle awards - The Thomas Jefferson Centre for the Protection of Free Expression has announced this year's Muzzle awards. The winners represent that special class of individuals and groups who go out of their way to suppress ideas and beliefs. (
- 04/13/03 - set daily puzzle - A link to a daily Set puzzle sent my way by Cecilia. Set, in case you haven't played it, is an amazing pattern recognition card game. (
- 04/12/03 - hippo girl - Hippo girl. The next big flash music video craze. (
- 04/11/03 - origami mathematics - A repository for information on the mathematics of paper folding. (
- 04/10/03 - man-man comics - This comic strip chronicles the adventure of the un-super hero Man-man. After being bitten by a radio-active man, this previously ordinary everyday joe acquired the skills and powers of a man. Watch as his complete lack of skill doesn't help him at all. (
- 04/09/03 - - Dispensing art through cigarette vending machines. Click here to find one near you, or here if you would like to submit a work of art. (
- 04/08/03 - the globe and mail - The website of one of my favourite newspapers. I frequently visit here to get as close an approximation to objective reporting as I can. (
- 04/07/03 - - The Global Positioning System Drawing Project. (
- 04/06/03 - japanese sound effects - This site provides a glossary of Japanese sound effects and what they mean. (
- 04/05/03 - which is worse? - Vote on which of a pair of unfortunate situations is less fortunate, or submit your own suggestions. (
- 04/04/03 - the oscar wilde school of web design - One of history's greatest wits is posthumously offering a short course in web design. (
- 04/03/03 - j-sim - A rather cool juggling simulator. (
- 04/02/03 - britney's guide to semiconductor physics - I bet you didn't know that Britney Speares was a physics expert. Now you have the opportunity to share in her wisdom and learn a thing or two along the way. (
- 04/01/03 - weight watchers from the seventies - Here's a somewhat disturbing collection of weight watchers meal cards from days gone be. I'm glad I wasn't on a diet in 1974. (
Sat Mar 29 06:40:21 2025