04/25/04 - cinemorgue.com - Have you ever asked yourself "Has so-and-so ever gotten killed in any movies?" In case you have, this site will finally put your questions to rest. (cinemorgue.com)
04/20/04 - big things - "Where it is not just the size but the thought that counts." A site dedicated to those fantastic and awe inspiring monuments built by communities across Canada to draw tourist dollars to town. (www.bigthings.ca)
04/19/04 - the tv turnoff network - I invite you to celebrate the 10th annual TV-Turnoff Week by reading a book, enjoying the company of friends, taking a walk outside, or doing any of those things that are too often replaced by television, from the nineteenth to the twenty-fifth of April. (www.tvturnoff.org)
04/18/04 - melodyhound - A clever "tune" search engine that uses something call The Parsons Code to help you find a song based on a tune you can hum or whistle. (name-this-tune.com)
04/02/04 - the untitled project - The Untitled Project is a series of photographs of urban settings accompanied by a graphical text layout. The photographs have been digitally stripped of all traces of textual information. The text pieces show the removed text in the approximate location and font as it was found in the photograph. (siberart.com/untitled%20pages/untitled_home.html)