09/19/04 - i found some of your life - You are unknown to me. Your camera's memory card was in a taxi; I have it now. I am going to post one of your pictures each day. I will also narrate as if I were you. Maybe you will come here and reclaim this piece of your life. (ifoundsomeofyourlife.blogspot.com)
09/12/04 - the olymperials - A fantastic flash based site featuring more than 1800 original Olympic posters. (olymperial.com)
09/11/04 - strange attractors - 12 animations. 12 animators. 12 insights into their practice and their trade secrets. A showcase of independent animation by Australia's best. (www.abc.net.au/arts/strange)
09/08/04 - pentagon strike - Did a Boeing 757 really fly into the Pentagon on 9/11? This flash animation, if its claims are accurate, would suggest that that isn't terribly likely. (pages.infinit.net/noc/pentagon.swf)
09/05/04 - selves and others - A portal linking to dozens of left-leaning journalists worldwide, with a rather impressive collection of writers. (selvesandothers.org)
09/01/04 - the hook project - A collection of literary beginnings. This site provides a database of opening hooks from celebrated novels. (openinghooks.us)