site of the day archive for august 2006
- 08/31/06 - the art of the mix - Art of the Mix is home to a community of people all devoted to the fine art of making mixes. (
- 08/30/06 - crummy church signs - Collections of the best (read: worst) things written on signs outside of churches. (
- 08/29/06 - a random number - Please pick a random number between 1 and 100. (
- 08/28/06 - evolution of speech balloons - A visual walk through the history and evolution of the speech balloon. (
- 08/27/06 - board dots - Try to draw a path through every square in the grid in this flash puzzle game. (
- 08/26/06 - dirty car art - Drawings on the rear window of dusty cars. (
- 08/25/06 - skatefall - A new take on the Atari classic Pitfall. (
- 08/24/06 - socialmeter - Social meter scans the major social websites to analyze a webpage's social popularity. (
- 08/23/06 - schneier facts - Some interesting facts about Bruce Schneier. (
- 08/22/06 - rainbows - An incredible rainbow resource. Amazing images, and technical information. (
- 08/21/06 - workfriendly - WorkFriendly will mask your websrufing as a MS Word document so you can safely do your thing on your boss' dime. (
- 08/20/06 - tvo themesongs - Man, I miss telefrancais. (
- 08/19/06 - upside-down-ternet - A clever way to deal with neighbours stealing your wireless internet. (
- 08/18/06 - hidden exposures - A gallery of old painted walls. My description doesn't do it justice. (
- 08/17/06 - roboclaw flash game - Use the arrow keys to control the claw. Pickup the blue orbs and drop them into the goals withouth hitting any obstacles. (
- 08/16/06 - bookmooch - Enter a list of books you wish to give away, and BookMooch will connect you to people who'd love to receive them. (
- 08/15/06 - good math, bad math - Finding the fun in good math. Squashing bad math and the fools who promote it. (
- 08/14/06 - google blocker - After you install Google Content Block, just surf the Web as you normally do. When we find a site that has content, we will block that content so you see only the ads. It all happens automatically, with no effort on your part. Amanda (
- 08/13/06 - goggles - The Google Maps flight simulator. (
- 08/12/06 - cologne - The best selection of colognes in the world. They have everything from Play-Doh, to Sushi, and Paint and Dirt. (
- 08/11/06 - you're on notice! - The Stephen Colbert "On Notice Board" generator. (
- 08/10/06 - essential osx hacks n apps - An excellent collection of must-have OS X programs. (
- 08/09/06 - caterpillar - An incredible gallery depicting a caterpillar infestation. (
- 08/08/06 - queen street - An interesting collection of essays about Queen Street in Toronto. (
- 08/07/06 - charts - Charts. Lots of charts. (
- 08/06/06 - all your snakes are belong to us - We all knew it would happen eventually. I'm just surprised it took these two memes so long to produce a love child. (
- 08/05/06 - snakes on your phone - This morning, Samuel L. Jackson phoned me to tell me to go see his movie. (
- 08/04/06 - hope is emo - Hope Is Emo is the new podcast from the guys at Ask A Ninja. The premise is that Hope is emo. I bet you'd have never got that on your own. (
- 08/03/06 - spoofs: get a mac - Spoofs of the latest series of Mac ads. (
- 08/02/06 - better-together - The politically incorrect alphabet. (
- 08/01/06 - ad*access - A database of over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. (
Tue Jan 21 06:04:48 2025