site of the day archive for june 2007
- 06/30/07 - the etch-a-sketchist - Fine art, Travel Etch-A-Sketch style. (
- 06/29/07 - the film crew - Fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 rejoice! Three of MST3K's writer/characters, Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy, have started a new venture: The Film Crew. (
- 06/28/07 - - A competitive arena for joke-tellers. (
- 06/27/07 - bad webcomics - There are webcomics on the net. Most of them are terrible. This site will tell you why. (
- 06/26/07 - apple evolution - The evolution of Apple products over the past 30 years. (By: (
- 06/25/07 - america's most endangered places - The 11 most endangered historical sites in the United States. (
- 06/24/07 - uncle sam's photos - A directory of free stock photography from the U.S. Government. (
- 06/23/07 - emo crayons - If Crayola were run by emo kids. (
- 06/22/07 - chess tactics - An excellent guide to chess strategy. (
- 06/21/07 - transformers - then & now - Comparisons of the new film and the classic Transformers. (
- 06/20/07 - buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo - Wikipedia's list of homophonous phrases. (
- 06/19/07 - madscinet - MadSci Network represents a collective cranium of scientists providing answers to your questions. For good measure they provide a variety of oddities as well. (
- 06/18/07 - purple america - An animated GIF of voting trends in U.S. presidential elections since 1960. (
- 06/17/07 - the brick factory - Instructions and images for every Lego set. (
- 06/16/07 - third view - Rephotographs of over 100 historical landscape photographs, retaken 100 years later from the same vantage point in similar light. (
- 06/15/07 - analemma - The path that the sun takes at the same time of day over the course of a year. (
- 06/14/07 - the island and lake combination - Have you ever wondered where you can find the largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island? (
- 06/13/07 - - Video tutorials on pimped out walking techniques. (
- 06/12/07 - trailer remixes - The top 15 trailer remixes of all time. (
- 06/11/07 - crud crud - A tour through second hand records. (
- 06/10/07 - roastytoasty - A comic strip featuring quantum kitties, sociopathic bunnies, machiavellian bumblebees, space goldfish, chaos butterflies, robot dinosaurs, period-piece dramas, social commentaries and even a couple of punchlines scattered amongst the comedy debris. (
- 06/09/07 - rubik's cube art - Rubik's cube window displays. (
- 06/08/07 - very weird amusement parks - A collection of very weird amusement parks. (
- 06/07/07 - steam trek: the motion picture - A silent movie parody of Star Trek. (
- 06/06/07 - molecule of the month - Biocurious is a weblog about biology through the eyes of physicists. (
- 06/05/07 - windows evolution - Screenshots of Windows from version 1.0 to Vista. (
- 06/04/07 - the happy planet index - An alternative to GDP to index human well-being and evnironmental impact. (
- 06/03/07 - - The interactive souls engine. (
- 06/02/07 - - The Sushi FAQ is devoted to answering all your questions about sushi (and sashimi), its history, and the related Japanese dining experience. (
- 06/01/07 - the western tradition - A video instructional series on Western civilization. (
Tue Jan 21 06:10:35 2025