site of the day archive for november 2011
- 11/30/11 - elevant equations - Eleven Equations True Computer Science Geeks Should (at Least Pretend to) Know. (
- 11/29/11 - The Beauty of a Second - A one second short film competition. (
- 11/28/11 - Introverts - 10 Myths About Introverts. (
- 11/27/11 - Month in Music - What happened when I listened to every song I owned, non-stop. 10,513 MP3s = 30 days of continuous audio. (
- 11/26/11 - The Open Notebook - The story behind the best science stories. (
- 11/25/11 - Inspiration Bit - A blog about design, art and photography. (
- 11/24/11 - - The movement to rid the world of the Flash Player plugin. (
- 11/23/11 - When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality? - David Frum on the GOP's lost sense of reality. (
- 11/22/11 - Typoreum - Typography, letterpress and printing history. (
- 11/21/11 - What makes music boring? - From the AV Club. (,65075)
- 11/20/11 - Muffin Films Art Contest - An art contest to honor that most fabulous of baked goods- the muffin. (
- 11/19/11 - Back to the Future - Photographs revisited and reshot decades later (second set). (
- 11/18/11 - Dance Records - DJHistory takes a look at the 100 greatest dance records. (
- 11/17/11 - Western Dance - The evolution of western dance music. (
- 11/16/11 - Number of the Day - For the aesthetic appreciation of numerals, number systems and their uses. (
- 11/15/11 - NiceType - Home of the Font of the Day, Logos We Love and more. (
- 11/14/11 - Shape Catcher - A very cool Unicode character recognition tool. Draw something freehand in the box, and Shape Catcher will find a unicode character close to it. (
- 11/13/11 - Conservative Books - A Liberal Reads the Great Conservative Works. (
- 11/12/11 - Twenty-Six Types - Celebrating beautiful letters. (
- 11/11/11 - Toronto at night - Vintage photographs of Toronto at night. (
- 11/10/11 - Worldwide Feast - 55 great global food blogs according to Saveur. (
- 11/09/11 - The New Classics - The most enduring books, shows, movies, and ideas since 2000 accoring to Slate. (
- 11/08/11 - Beautiful Type - A patchwork of photos and illustrations from the Web, discovered overnight and all having a relationship with typography. (
- 11/07/11 - Movie Poster Trends - Thirteen movie poster trends that are here to stay and what they say about their movies. (
- 11/06/11 - Asymptote - Asymptote is an exciting new international journal dedicated to literary translation and bringing together in one place the best in contemporary writing. (
- 11/05/11 - Friends After College - How To Make New Friends After You Graduate College. (
- 11/04/11 - Frogs on Bikes - Pictures of, you guessed it, frogs on bikes. (
- 11/03/11 - arrant pedantry - This is the type of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put. (
- 11/02/11 - TNG Season 8 - Plots from the unaired 8th season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (
- 11/01/11 - monster toys - Company Turns Children's Drawings Into Plush Toys. (
Sat Mar 8 17:50:10 2025