site of the day archive for october 2013
- 10/31/13 - Stupid Programmer Tricks and Star Wars Gifs - A very cool hack to automatically generate animated GIFs of Star Wars lines using VLC, a bit of Python, and subtitles files. Very clever. (
- 10/30/13 - mathematigal - Math people are people too. (
- 10/29/13 - - Scroll down to Riker. (
- 10/28/13 - Press Progress - Advancing progressive solutions with hard-hitting news and analysis. (
- 10/27/13 - Master of Malt - Keeping you in fine spirits since 1985. (
- 10/26/13 - The PsyWar Society - An international association of psychological warfare histroians and aerial propaganda leaflet collectors. (
- 10/25/13 - Beyond Transparency - A free e-book on Open Data and the Future of Civic Innovation. (
- 10/24/13 - Quick comparisons between Toronto’s and Chicago’s street grids - Chicago is often referred to as Toronto’s closest sibling. Built in similar times, with similar sizes and populations, there are obvious similarities between the two. But we are by no means twins. (
- 10/23/13 - Sriracha - The highly unusual company behind Sriracha, the world’s coolest hot sauce (
- 10/22/13 - - Buzzfeed Articles Without The GIFs (
- 10/21/13 - Source - Journalism code and the people who make it. (
- 10/20/13 - Washington Post Graphics - Interactive graphics, maps and data visualization by the Washington Post. (
- 10/19/13 - A List Apart - Exploring the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. (
- 10/18/13 - Web Design Ledger - A publication written by web designers for web designers. (
- 10/17/13 - Album Artifact - 12" album art in a 12x12 pixel canvas. A study of iconography & minimalism. (
- 10/16/13 - 75 years of Superman - As most of you know, Superman is celebrating his 75th Anniversary this year. To help commemorate this impressive milestone, Man of Steel director Zack Snyder teamed up with artist and animator extraordinaire Bruce Timm to create a two-minute short that traces the Man of Steel's history from Superman's debut on the cover of 1938's Action Comics #1 all the way to Henry Cavill in Man of Steel. It's a must-see for any fan of Superman or comic books in general.
- 10/15/13 - line 3d - Trace an infinite 3d coil by moving your mouse. (
- 10/14/13 - Storyboard 75: The big book of narrative - Storyboard 75 represents some of the most popular posts from the Nieman Foundation for Journalism. (
- 10/13/13 - Middle + Off - A tumblr blog that juxtaposes photos to surprising, elegant, and often humorous effect. (via MetaFilter). (
- 10/12/13 - tech advocacy - Collaborating with some of the best tech advocates out there. Your participation will directly inform their strategies as they work for your interests. (
- 10/11/13 - What I Love - Join our movement to end carbon pollution and stand up for what you love. (
- 10/10/13 - Creative Action Network - A marketplace of crowdsourced, creative content from mission-driven artists. Buy a poster, support artists. (
- 10/09/13 - Know More - Each post is a picture, chart, video, or quote that, we hope, will fascinate you, or fascinate a friend who shares it with you. But at the bottom of every post is the option to really “Know More”. Click on that button and we’ll take you deeper. Much deeper. It’s the red pill — you take it, and we’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. (
- 10/08/13 - Canadaland - Jesse Brown's new podcast about media in Canada. (Think On The Media, but Canadian.) (
- 10/07/13 - Fuck (yeah) Big Listening - Big Listening is evolving fast. There are examples that give us hope, and then there are the examples that creep us out. We'll tag 'em fuckyeah and fuckno. (
- 10/06/13 - Things That Matter. Pass 'em on. - If Upworthy Existed Throughout History (
- 10/05/13 - 100 Riffs - A Brief History of Rock N' Roll. How many of them do you recognize? (
- 10/04/13 - Logged and Ordered - The Law and Order Database: All 20 Seasons (
- 10/03/13 - The Engagement Project - The Engagement Project is an initiative to study, understand and prove the value of engagement in modern brand building. (
- 10/02/13 - The Action Network - Online organizing tools like you've never seen them before. (
- 10/01/13 - Science Ads - 46 Stunningly Creative Ads by Science World. (
Sat Mar 29 06:17:48 2025