site of the day archive for september 2016
- 09/30/16 - Breaking the Black Box - What Facebook Knows About You (
- 09/29/16 - The 50 Best Ambient Albums of All Time - Wallpaper music? None here. These are the albums that have shifted moods and created new worlds (
- 09/28/16 - The Data Face - A collection of data junkies who like to investigate topics in music, politics, and sports. We tell stories through interactive media. (
- 09/27/16 - Blue Feed, Red Feed - See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by Side (
- 09/26/16 - Winners of the 2016 Ig Nobel Prizes - For achievements that first make people LAUGH then make them THINK (
- 09/25/16 - Brewery and the Beast - Festival of meat and beer. (
- 09/24/16 - 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time - From time-capsule sitcoms to cutting-edge Peak-TV dramas - the definitive ranking of the game-changing small-screen classics (
- 09/23/16 - 100 Objects That Shaped Public Health - From the Obscure to the Everyday, These Objects Tell the Story (
- 09/22/16 - Street Library - Street Libraries are beautiful homes for books, planted in your front yard. They invite your neighbours to share the joys of reading and create lasting connections inside your community. (
- 09/21/16 - Who will win the Senate? - The 538 Senate Election Forecast is out. (
- 09/20/16 - The Fall Foliage Prediction Map - The 2016 Fall Foliage Map is the ultimate visual planning guide to the annual progressive changing of the leaves across America. (
- 09/19/16 - Cartoon Abstracts - Academic papers summarised in cartoon form. (
- 09/18/16 - xchurches - xhurch /pronounced: church/ noun. 1.: a former church, one which has been adapted to a new use. 2.: an "ex" church (
- 09/17/16 - Ketchup Chips - What Canadians understand about ketchup chips that Americans don't. (
- 09/16/16 - Rifflandia Pro Tips - Rifflandia Festival 2016 has arrived, the ninth year that it will transform the city of Victoria. This year it features one of the most diverse line-ups in the festival world, with over 120 artists across numerous stages and pop-up venues. We thought we'd share some tips on how to do Rifflandia like a pro. (
- 09/15/16 - Rifflandia Festival - September 15-18, 2016. Four days of music at Royal Athletic ^CPark & night stages throughout Victoria, BC. (
- 09/14/16 - Macro Room - The hidden beauty of our world, zoomed WAY in. (
- 09/13/16 - Inky Fool - On words, phrases, grammar, rhetoric and prose. (
- 09/12/16 - separated by a common language - Observations on British and American English by an American linguist in the UK (
- 09/11/16 - Found and Chosen - Small toys, trinkets, charms, junk, baubles, whatnots, curios (and so on). (
- 09/10/16 - Paint Mixed - A tumblr blog devoted to mixing paint. (
- 09/09/16 - Why the Longplay Face - Movie and album cover mashups. (
- 09/08/16 - Vancouver Fringe - Vancouver's Annual Fringe Theatre Festival, Sept. 8-18, 2016. (
- 09/07/16 - - The best from the world of design around the web. (
- 09/06/16 - Dyslexie Font - Makes reading easy and enjoyable for people with dyslexia. (
- 09/05/16 - Ramsophone - The Ramsophone gives you a new, shiny music box with buttons and dials to play with every time you refresh the page. (
- 09/04/16 - This is How a Camera Adds 10 Pounds - It's commonly said that a camera adds 10 pounds, making you look heavier than you actually are. Here's a striking animated GIF that shows how much the focal length of a lens affects your apparent weight in a portrait. (
- 09/03/16 - Bernie 2016 - A full-service digital revolution case study. (
- 09/02/16 - Git out the Vote - Official Hillary for America technology blog (
- 09/01/16 - blokdust - Interactive music-making. Build synths and sounds all in the browser. (
Sat Mar 29 06:45:57 2025